Payment/ Insurance

Flourish Child and Family Counseling, LLC does not currently accept insurance and is considered an out of network provider. Superbill is available for clients who wish to request reimbursement for out of network services.

Clients are encouraged to contact their insurance provider to see if their policy covers out of network services.

Payment will be due at the time of service.

Flourish Child and Family Counseling, LLC accepts all major credit cards, cash, checks, health reimbursement accounts, and health savings accounts.




In compliance with the No Surprises Act that goes into effect January 1, 2022, all healthcare providers are required to notify patients of their Federal rights and protections against “surprise billing.”

This Act requires that we notify you of your federally protected rights to receive a notification when services are rendered by an out-of-network provider, if a patient is uninsured, or if a patient elects not to use their insurance.

Additionally, we are required to provide you with a Good Faith Estimate of the cost of services. It is a Federal requirement that we have each client sign a form acknowledging this to begin/resume treatment. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Thank you very much,

Laurie Gallman, LPC